My name is Greg Lansdowne, I am a journalist/editor/PR/communications professional based in the UK.
Like everyone reading this, I have been inspired by the music of a-ha – some of us for longer than others due to our more advanced years.
Having been one of the lucky few to have attended the ‘last hurrah’ in Oslo, I came out of that concert imbued with a desire to play a small part in ensuring the legacy of a-ha (as if it could be in doubt).
As a professional writer, words are my weapons of choice in that battle.
While sport is my primary area of expertise, I have decided to compile a book on one of my other specialist subjects – namely a-ha.
Not that I would intend to embark on such a project via my thoughts alone.
No doubt my experience of being an a-ha fan – the constant justifications and explanations that a-ha did actually carry on after 1985 – is mirrored all over the world.
It is these experiences that deserve a greater platform and I believe the best way to do that would be with a story of the ‘Ending On A High Note’ tour through the eyes/words of those who attended the concerts.
I am, therefore, writing to ask for contributors to such a book who would be interested in sharing not only their thoughts on a specific concert but also why your love for a-ha took you to that concert (particularly for those travelling quite a distance).
Initially, I would like to get as much feedback as possible in terms of whether this is a book that would be welcomed the a-ha fraternity.
Were that to be the case, I would then ask for people to volunteer their interest to write about a particular concert (to make sure all bases could be covered).
No doubt there are many hardcore fans who were unable to attend any of the final concerts and I would certainly not wish to exclude them from participating in the book either.
I am not looking for contributions immediately as I would like to test the water first.
Any thoughts/feedback came be emailed to me here:
Thanks for your time in reading the above.